Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Where we all Realize the Depths of my Insanity

This will be my last post until Monday.

Why? You ask...

I have signed The Bug and myself up for 16+ hours (round trip, I'm not that f*cking crazy) in a car with my dad and step monster.

AAAAHHHHH! WTF was I thinking?

Oh yeah, that it would be nice to see my brother and that I need to support his 19 year old daughter who just had a baby.

That's what I'll be muttering under my breath as I rock myself uncontrollably in the backseat.

That long in a car with my dad & step mom is enough to make me run screaming, but add a cranky 2 year old to the mix.

OH, sh*t.

I can't take my laptop with, because then I would have to explain that I am blogging, which would necessitate my explaining what a blog is, which would lead to the 'rents wanting to see said blog.

Given the fact that I have literally heard my dad swear twice in my 33 years on this earth, while I have been able to successfully keep him from knowing that I swear like a f*cking pirate, I'm thinkin' that the whole blog conversation ain't a good idea.

So, Tah for now, have a great weekend!

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