Thursday, August 16, 2007

What a Difference a Day Makes!

Is it possible that my 2 year old is reading my blog? I’d better watch my language. The Bug got his teeth brushed without a fuss this morning. The trick, I brought the loaded toothbrush down to him while he watched his favorite show. Then I asked him, “which sticker do you want when you’re done brushing your teeth?” He pointed to a sticker and SMILED! I brushed his teeth and it was over. No screaming, no crying.

My tears today are for another reason, tomorrow is the last day of my summer vacation. I know those of you who work outside of the home 12 months of the year are really feeling sorry for me, but I think I will really miss being at home with The Bug. I have never before thought that I would enjoy being a full-time SAHM, but after this summer, I think that I might like it. The other 2 times that I have gone back to work after extended periods of time at home with The Bug (after maternity leave and after last summer vacation when he was 1), I was ready to have a break from him. This time is different, this time I will really miss all the time with him.

Oh well, quitting my paying job just isn’t possible right now. Maybe when we finish paying off Ralph’s partnership…or, maybe when we finish paying off my grad-school loans…or, maybe when we finish paying….Yeah, it’ll never happen.

So, today I’m regretting all of the things that I had intended to do with The Bug this summer (not too many things, but a few), and I’m freaking out about all of the things I had intended to do for work this summer and didn’t do (a ton of things).

I was going to do some stuff for work today, really I was, but, what the hell, I’m on vacation!!!


Jennifer said...

Good luck going back to work! I've considered going back to work in the schools, and I most likely will once my daughter is a little older. It'll be hard, but the extra money and time for ME will be nice.

Anonymous said...

I figured out the tooth brushing trick! Got those 7 dollar tooth brushes that have music. 6 year old has blacked eyes peas " Lets get it started", and 4 year old has Thomas the tank engine! Also the silver dollar pancake pan, at 6:30am, with chocolate chips in the batter, gets my kids running down the stairs!