Thursday, August 9, 2007

Thank god it's Fwyyyday!

Ralph and I are packing up The Bug and sending him to Grandma & Grandpa’s for the weekend.
The Bug, for one, is ecstatic. He has been talking about going to Grandpa’s ‘Fwyyyday’ all week long.

Ralph is pretty excited too, but for a different reason. He thinks that our weekend away will be filled with all sorts of crazy shit he's seen on some dirty website romantic lovemaking(that is the first time I've ever used that word, and it just makes me giggle).

I am a bit less enthused. Firstly, I feel like shit. The noxious fumes that have been coming out of my ass since dinner…let’s just say Ralph should be thankful we’re driving a convertible. Then there is the thought of leaving The Bug. Sure, he’s slept over at Grandma & Grandpa’s a million times, he stays there 1x/week during the school year. But we’ve never gone anywhere before. Granted, we’re only going to be gone for 2 days and we’ll be less than 2 hours away, but, I can’t help but feel a little nervous. Oh, and then my aunt Flo came this morning, and I'm sure she's gonna tag along on our little trip (Sorry Ralph, but you did change the date of this little vacation).

Other than those things, I think that the trip is a great idea. Ralph needs a break so he can stop acting like such an ass relax. And, frankly, we need to reconnect. I don’t know that 2 days in the middle of nowhere will be enough, but having a couple of nice meals in a restaurant, a massage, and getting 2 days of sleeping in is a good start in my book.

1 comment:

OhTheJoys said...

Uh... how would grandma and grandpa feel about two extra short people who answer to "The Mayor" and "The Rooster?"