Monday, July 16, 2007

Happy Birthday Daddy!

We knew that the day would come. Honestly, given the fact that Ralph and I both swear like sailors who’ve been out to sea for a long…long time, I am shocked that it hasn’t happened before now. Yes, The Bug said his first swear word last night. I am soooo proud!

Actually, he says shit all of the time, but he doesn’t mean it. I have been translating bugese into adult for several months now, explaining to grey-haired old ladies with their mouths agape that my adorable little boy really only intends to say sit (or yell it, which is usually the case) or to yell at his dog Blue (which he pronounces something like bull) to sit, not SHIT or BULL SHIT! Which he screams over and over at the dog who is surely in on the joke since she refuses to just sit her ass down!!!!

Anyway, last night, I was giving The Bug a bath when Ralph walked in and spilled q-tips all over the floor. Of course, he said, “Oh, shit!” which The Bug then repeated several times just perfectly.

Happy Birthday Ralph.

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